Aging in Place Week

The National Aging in Place CouncilĀ® is proud to host the Aging in Place Week! Oct 9-13, 2023

Monday, Oct 9
12:00 PM PT /3:00 PM ET
Aging in Place Kick-Off Panel: How to Navigate Difficult Conversations

Monday, Oct 9
1:30 PM PT /4:30 PM ET
Putting the FUN in Funding

Tuesday, Oct 10
9:00 AM PT /12:00 PM ET
Marketing Technology to Older Adults

Tuesday, Oct 10
10:30 AM PT /1:30 PM ET
Graceful Aging From A Physical Standpoint

Tuesday, Oct 10
1:00 PM PT /4:00 PM ET
Healthcare Panel: Authors of Difficult Aging in Place Conversations Book

Wednesday, Oct 11
10:00 AM PT /1:00 PM ET
When to Declutter & Downsize and How to Do It Safely

Wednesday, Oct 11
12:00 PM PT /3:00 PM ET
End of Life Wishes

Wednesday, Oct 11
1:30 PM PT /4:30 PM ET
Care Panel: Authors of Difficult Aging in Place Conversations

Thursday, Oct 12
10:00 AM PT /1:00 PM ET
When Is It Time to Hang Up the Keys?Ā 

Thursday, Oct 12
2 PM PT /5:00 PM ET
What Happens If You Die While Traveling?

Friday, Oct 13
10:00 AM PT /1:00 PM ET
Receiving and Accepting a Dementia Diagnosis

Friday, Oct 13
11:00 AM PT /2:00 PM ET
Housing Panel: Authors from Difficult Aging in Place Conversations

Friday, Oct 13
12:00 PM PT /3:00 PM ET
Dementia Care Considerations to Remain Safe at Home

Our Mission

The mission of the National Aging in Place Council (NAIPC) is to bring professionals and communities together to champion Aging in Place through collaboration, education and advocacy.